Iraq Capable Enough to Deal with Terrorist Incidents: Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Tehran has not so far received any request from Baghdad for help in dealing with the recent terrorist attacks in the Arab country, Iranian foreign ministry spokeswoman said, adding that the Iraqi security forces can fend for themselves in the clampdown on armed extremist groups.

“The capability of the Iraqi army and police is sufficient to counter the Takfiri (extremist) and terrorist forces,” Marziyeh Afkham said in a press conference on Wednesday.

She also expressed the hope that Iraq could weather the crisis and overcome terrorism through solidarity between the government and nation.

Her comments came after the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants on Monday seized the Iraqi city of Mosul.

Hundreds of rebels launched an assault on the city, 350km north of Baghdad, engaging in combat with troops and police.