Iraq’s Insurgency Signals Shift by Syria Terror Sponsors : IRGC Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Certain regional countries funding terrorist groups decided to deploy their elements into Iraq to compensate for their failures in neighboring Syria, said a senior official at the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

“Saudi Arabia made a lot of efforts to upset the situation in Syria, and Qatar has also made a big investment in this regard, and some other countries made grave mistakes in Syria as well,” Hojjatoleslam Ali Saeedi, the Supreme Leader’s representative in the IRGC told reporters in Iran’s northern city of Semnan on Thursday.

He contended that those countries are now frustrated with the failure of their plots in Syria and as a result, they decided to wage a war in Iraq to restore morale.

Hojjatoleslam Saeedi also blamed a surge of violence and presence of extremist terrorists in Iraq on the US, arguing that Washington’s “colonialist policy” props up extremism.

In the most recent development in the region, members of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group have carried out deadly assaults on some Iraqi cities, including the provincial capitals of Mosul and Tikrit.

The foreign-backed ISIL militants, along with the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra front, are among the main groups that have breed violence in the region in recent years, particularly in Syria.