Iran Successfully Holds Radiation Defense Exercise

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has successfully staged preparatory drills in the central province of Isfahan to boost civil defense capabilities in case of nuclear contingencies, such as radiation leaks, said head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization said.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency in Isfahan on Wednesday, Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali explained that the exercises covered contingency plans inside and outside a nuclear site, saying the emergency action in both parts was taken successful.

Earlier in October 2013, Brigadier General Jalali had announced that his organization’s preemptive measures in making the country’s nuclear facilities immune to all threats have disappointed the Islamic Republic’s adversaries.

“By designing absolutely safe infrastructures and facilities in Fordo and Isfahan’s UCF (Uranium Conversion Facility), the civil defense (organization) has put a thorn in the side of enemies, namely Israel and the US,” he said at the time.

He had also stated that three bases tasked with confronting a broad range of threats have been in place in the last two years, adding that a fourth base is due to come into service in the future.

The Iranian official said that currently three defense bases are working under the Civil Defense Organization’s supervision to counter cyber, radiation and biological-chemical threats, and said, “A fourth base, titled economic defense base, is soon to be established.”

He had made it clear that thwarting foreign plots against Iranian nuclear facilities was among top priorities of the cyber defense base.