ISIL, Takfiri Terrorists Trained by US, Britain

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Deputy Judiciary Chief Seyed Ebrahim Raeisi blamed Washington and London of being behind the spread of Takfiri (extremist) terrorism in the region.

Addressing Friday prayers worshippers in Tehran before the start of the sermons, Raeisi said the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and other Takfiri terrorists have nothing to do with Islam but these groups have been trained by the US and Britain.

He added that the atrocities perpetrated by these extremist groups will be recorded in the list of injustices and crimes of the US and Britain.

The ISIL is a terrorist group active in Syria and northern Iraq.

Iraq has been witnessing a new wave of violence fueled by the ISIL Takfiri terrorists in recent weeks. They have been operating in the Iraqi provinces of Nineveh, Diyala, Salahuddin and al-Anbar.

Over the past days, heavy clashes have been underway between Iraqi armed forces and the ISIL terrorists.

The terrorist group has threatened to spread its acts of violence to Baghdad and other cities. However, their advance has been slowed down as Iraqi military forces along with volunteer forces have begun engaging the terrorists on a number of fronts, pushing them out of several areas they had earlier overrun.