Bahrainis Express Solidarity with Political Prisoners

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Bahraini people held rallies in different parts of the country and expressed solidarity with political prisoners, urging the trial of Al Khalifa regime in the international courts for its crimes.

The rallies come in protest against the Manama regime’s decision to postpone handover of the body of Abdulaziz Al Abbar.

Two months after Al Abbar was killed, Manama declines to hand over his body to his family to be buried. Al Abbar was injured on February 23, when security forces cracked the conclusion of a funeral in the village of Sar, West of the capital Manama.

The protesters also urged the monarch regime to stop torturing prisoners and reiterated on the nation’s “will”.

In response to the rallies, Al Khlaifa forces used poisonous gas and pellet gun to disperse the protesters.

Popular uprising broke out in Bahrain in mid-February 2011. The protesters initially called for political reforms and a constitutional monarchy, but the regime’s heavy-handed crackdown on them soon prompted an outright call for the ouster of Al Khalifa regime.

Human Rights Watch has accused the Bahraini government of violence and torture, with frequent reports of child protesters facing conditions which border on torture while in custody.