Maliki Rejects Kurdish Territorial Claims

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki rejected an assertion by the country’s autonomous Kurdish region that its control of disputed territory is here to stay, ruling out its chances of holding a referendum on independence.`

"No one has the right to exploit the events that took place to impose a fait accompli, as happened in some of the actions of the Kurdistan region. This is rejected," Maliki said in televised remarks.

He was responding to remarks by the president of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, Masoud Barzani, last week that there was no going back on Kurdish rule in the oil-rich northern city of Kirkuk and other towns now defended by Kurdish fighters against terrorist militants.

Barzani later told the BBC in an interview that Iraq's Kurds will hold an independence referendum within months, telling the broadcaster that the time was right as Iraq was already effectively partitioned.

During his weekly televised address, Maliki offered an amnesty to some backers of a sweeping militant offensive, in an apparent attempt to undercut support for the insurgents.

"I announce the provision of an amnesty for all tribes and all people who were involved in actions against the state" but who now "return to their senses", excluding those involved in killings, Maliki said in televised remarks.

He expressed hopes to overcome the challenges blocking the formation of a new government, a day after the new parliament's first session ended without agreement on top government posts, Al-Manar reported.

"A state of weakness occurred but God willing in the next session (planned for next Tuesday) we will overcome it with cooperation and agreement and openness choosing the individuals and the mechanisms that will result in a political process based on...democratic mechanisms," said Maliki.

The new parliament adjourned Tuesday, with plans to meet one week later, if an agreement on posts was reached.