Iran Strongly Condemns Intensified Israeli Attacks on Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham in a statement strongly condemned intensified Israeli attacks on different parts of the besieged Gaza Strip.

Afkham on Tuesday evening rapped Israeli attacks in which numerous Palestinian civilians were killed and injured.

The Iranian spokeswoman said “the barbaric assaults and massacre of innocent civilian people”, which have been started under the pretext of the abduction of three Israeli settlers and continued for more than two weeks, signify the inability of the Zionist regime against Palestinians’ resistance.

She further said the martyrdom of the Palestinian teenager was a crime similar to crimes committed by terrorists in Iraq and Syria.

Afkham called on the Islamic and Arab states as well as human rights organizations to support Palestinians’ move to sue Israel in international and legal organizations, including the International Criminal Court and show quick and proper reaction to the inhumane acts of the Zionist regime.

Tensions heightened between Palestinians and Israelis after the burning alive of a Palestinian teen in East al-Quds last week. The 16-year-old teenager, Mohammed Abu Khdeir, was bundled into a car and later burnt to death by Israeli settlers.

His death has sparked a wave of protests across the Palestinian territories.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces bombed dozens of sites in the Gaza Strip and Palestinian resistance movements in Gaza have responded to Israel’s aggression by targeting towns and cities inside the occupied Palestinian territories.

The Israeli military said some 130 rockets were fired from Gaza on Tuesday, 70 of which hit different sites.