Palestinian Resistance Launches Media Campaign against Israeli Assault

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Since the first days of Zionist aggression on Gaza, the Palestinian resistance media is keeping up with all ground and naval fighting off operations, as well as the rocket attacks, reflecting great readiness to confront the foreign-backed Zionist media campaign.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian resistance used Hebrew to warn the Zionist entity of rocket attacks, adopting psychological warfare while trying to raise the morale of Gazans.

Around 190 Palestinians in the tiny overcrowded enclave, most of them civilians, have been killed in six days of aggression.

On Hamas's Al-Aqsa TV at eight in the evening Saturday, the voice of Abu Ubeida - the perpetually masked and camouflaged spokesman of the group's armed wing - broadcast a warning.

"(We) will direct a military strike with rockets at the Tel Aviv area and its surroundings with a J80 rocket after 9 pm."

Audio of the threat in Hebrew followed, Al-Manar reported.

At seven minutes past nine, a series of thunderous roars in the coastal territory signaled the outgoing rockets. Warning sirens promptly sounded in the greater Tel Aviv region, the heavily populated heart of the Jewish entity.

Hamas has also posted a Hebrew version of one of its battle songs in the latest act of psychological warfare.

The original Arabic version of “Shake Israel’s Security” has long been a popular anthem of the Islamist movement’s military wing, the Ezz Al Deen Al Qassam Brigades.

Gazans say telephoned Zionist warnings of impending air strikes on houses is part of its own campaign to demoralize Gaza.

Local TV's pulse-quickening coverage blend the gory aftermath of Zionist air strikes with bulletins of triumphs in battle.

It broadcast wrenching footage of a slain four-year old's father shaking his lifeless little body, crying, "My son, wake up! I've bought you a toy!"