Iraqi Forces Capture ISIL Leader in Tikrit

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraqi security forces said they have captured one of the main leaders of the ISIL terrorist group south of the flashpoint city of Tikrit in Salaheddin province.

Abdullah Hassan Jad’an is one of those masterminding terrorist operations in Samera city, the Iraqi news network al-Sumaria quoted a provincial security official as saying.

The culprit has been taken to security headquarters for further investigation.

Meanwhile, reports coming out of Iraq suggest that the Iraqi armed forces have taken full control of Tikrit following a sweeping military operation against the ISIL insurgents. The recapture came after the army inflicted heavy casualties on the Takfiri militants.

The city had fallen to rebels led by the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) terrorist group back in June.

Iraqi security forces have so far launched major offensives to retake control of the areas held by Baathist-extremist terrorists.

The army’s advances come as hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have volunteered to take up arms and to fight the terrorist groups in response to a call by Shiite senior cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. Ayatollah Sistani had issued a religious decree (Fatwa) that mobilized popular forces against the terrorists.