Speaker Decries Silence on Israel Atrocities

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s parliament speaker deplored a muted response by certain regional countries to the violent Israeli attacks against the people of Gaza.

“Unfortunately, certain regional countries contribute to the continuation of such violent and inhumane behavior by the Zionist regime (of Israel) with their silence,” Ali Larijani said in a meeting with ambassadors of Islamic countries in Tehran on Tuesday.

He also lauded the Palestinians’ ability to defend their land against the Israeli offensives, noting that Palestine will emerge victorious if the Islamic countries provide it with some assistance.

Larijani then called on the Muslim nations to set aside minor differences, and stressed, “The Islamic countries should address the concerns that threat the Islamic world in its entirety, mainly the issue of Palestine.”

In relevant comments on July 14, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the Israeli regime has taken advantage of “negligence” of Muslims to commit atrocities against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

“The Gaza incidents are utterly disastrous, and the Zionist regime (of Israel) is carrying out the current atrocities by taking advantage of the negligence of the Islamic world,” the Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei then called on the Islamic nations to close ranks against the Zionist regime of Israel to defend Palestinians.

“The killing of people of Gaza by the usurping Zionists should spur the Islamic governments and nations to resolve differences and get united,” Imam Khamenei stressed.

Israel has launched a new wave of military strikes on the besieged Gaza Strip since July 8.

Death toll from the week-long Israeli attacks targeting different parts of the Gaza Strip has reached to nearly 200, with some 1,400 other people injured.

According to the United Nations, nearly 80 percent of the casualties in Gaza have been civilians.