Inter-Parliamentary Troika to Convene in Tehran to Discuss Israeli Atrocities

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s parliament says it will host an inter-parliamentary troika meeting attended by the former, current, and future chairmen of the Parliamentary Union of Islamic Countries (PUIC) on Tuesday.

The one-day troika meeting in Tehran will be aimed at defending Palestinians' rights as well as discussing the recent Israeli attacks and atrocities against people of the theGaza Strip.

Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani as the former chairman of the PUIC, the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Mali Issaka Sidibé as the current PUIC chairman, and Sudanese Parliament Speaker Fateh Ezzedin Mansour as the next PUIC chairman will attend the upcoming meeting.

Meanwhile, secretary of the political committee of the conference told reporters on Sunday that seven parliament speakers will take part in the Tuesday meeting.

"As of now, parliament speakers of Mali, Sudan, Turkey, Pakistan, Palestine, Iraq and Syria have annouced they will attend the meeting, and a delegation from the Lebanese parliament will also partake in the gathering," Kazem Jalali said.

Earlier, Larijani, in separate phone conversations, had invited Sidibé and Mansour to take part in the event.

The Iranian Speaker had pointed to the critical humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip following brutal Israeli attacks on the coastal enclave.

Since July 8 when Israel started a new wave of attacks on Gaza Strip, more than 400 Palestinians have been killed most of whom civilians. The brutal attacks have also wounded at least 2,700 people in Gaza.

Since Thursday, Israel has sent ground forces into the densely-populated enclave of 1.8 million Palestinians.  During the past two days, the Zionist regime has intensified its ground operation in Gaza.