PUIC Troika Meeting Kicks Off in Tehran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An inter-parliamentary troika meeting, attended by the former, current, and future chairmen of the Parliamentary Union of Islamic Countries (PUIC), opened in the Iranian capital on Tuesday.

The agenda of the one-day meeting is to discuss Israel’s ongoing offensive against the Gaza Strip and study the ways to defend Palestinians' rights.

Parliament speakers from Mali, Palestine, Syria, Qatar, Turkey and Sudan along with three parliamentary delegations from Oman, Lebanon and Pakistan have attended the event.

Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani as the former chairman of the PUIC, the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Mali Issaka Sidibé as the current PUIC chairman, and Sudanese Parliament Speaker Fateh Ezzedin Mansour as the next PUIC chairman are in the meeting.

On July 8, Israel launched air strikes on the Gaza Strip. After 10 days of bombardment of the enclave from the air and sea, the Israeli forces started a ground operation in the Gaza Strip.

The latest figures show more than 600 Palestinians have been killed and around 3,600 others have been wounded in the 15-day Israeli onslaught.

About 70 percent of the deaths in Gaza have been civilians, according to UN estimates.