‘Boycott Israel’: Thousands March in Paris in Pro-Palestinian Rally

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Thousands of people in Paris and other cities across France rallied to express their protest against Israel’s military operation in Gaza, which has resulted in over 700 deaths, many of them children, in the space of two weeks.

The rally on Wednesday gathered at least 14,500 people, according to police data, while the organizers of the event claim that about 25,000 people attended the demonstration in France’s capital, reported AFP.

The demonstrators carried Palestinian flags, shouting slogans such as “Israel killer. Hollande resignation" and "Long live Palestine, long live the resistance!" The words "Boycott Israel" were seen on some of the banners.

The rally, which started at Place Denfert-Rochereau in the south of Paris, was organized by various associations including the Left Party (PG), democratic socialist political party and the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), a national trade union center, RT reported.

Some of the protesters said they also wanted to express their disapproval of their government’s foreign policy, which had failed to take measures against Israel’s violence in Gaza.

"I voted for Hollande and I would never expect this stance from a socialist government. By not standing up to Israel he is legitimizing the massacre of Palestinians,” Mina McCamery, a Paris resident, told The Local.

"France has to be tough against Israel and impose economic and political sanctions. That's the only way they will listen," she added.

In the meantime, the protesters said the rally was not directed against the Jewish population.

"We are not against Jewish people. We are against Zionism and what is going on in Palestine," Mina McCamery said.

Among the protesters there were orthodox Jews from an anti-Zionist organization. They were loudly cheered after leading chants of "Free Gaza."