Iraqi MP Warns of Refugee Crisis in Kurdistan Region

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iraqi lawmaker warned about the desperate situation of tens of thousands of Iraqis who have fled their homes in northern Iraq and taken refuge in the Kurdistan region following attacks by Takfiri terrorists.

The member of Al-Tagheer Parliamentary block, Darbaz Muhammad, called for international aid to prevent fatalities among the refugees, saying they are starving and dying on a daily basis.

The parliamentarian stressed that the Kurdistan region cannot shoulder the financial burdens of supplying refugees with basic humanitarian aids given poor international assistance in this regard.

“Kurdistan region cannot single-handedly bear the burden caused by so many refugees. The government has merely given out 1,500,000 Dinars ($1287) to each family which is not enough even to provide their food. The central government should be immediately formed,” added Darbaz Muhammad.

After taking the provincial capital of Mosul and parts of Kirkuk, the al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) captured two areas of Iraq's Salaheddin province.

Siniyah and Sulaiman Bek, located north of the capital Baghdad, fell into the hand of the Takfiri militants.
Since then, tens of thousands of Iraqis have been forced to flee Mosul and the surrounding areas.