US Beneficiary of Terrorism: Iranian Speaker

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US past record indicates its continuous negligence in dealing with the terrorist attacks inflicted on Muslims, Kurds or Christians, Iran’s parliament speaker said, adding that Washington indeed benefits from supporting terrorism.

Addressing an open session of the parliament on Sunday morning, Ali Larijani played down Washington’s decision to take action against armed militants in Iraq.

“By deploying a number of aircraft (to Iraq) under the pretext of supplying relief or targeting terrorists, the US seeks to wash its bloody hands off the anti-human catastrophes in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran,” he explained.

His comments came after the US decided to help Iraq counter armed fighters by conducting air strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists.

The US military has also conducted airdrops of food and water to members of Iraq's Yazidi sect who have taken refuge on Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq after being threatened by the militants.

Elsewhere in his comments, Larijani said the US had earlier turned a blind eye to the scourge of war on minorities in Syria, because of its own interests.

“This government (the US) closed eyes to the atrocities that terrorists committed against Syrian Christians, because its interests required to do so,” he noted.

The Iranian speaker added that over the past 40 months, the US government has continuously supported terrorism in Syria, while the very same ISIL militants have been slaughtering Syrians, including Shiites, Sunnis, Alawites, Christians, and the Druze sects.