All Countries Apply Web Filtering Solutions: Ex-Googler

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The entire world countries are employing targeted filtering methods for different reasons, a former WebSpam Operations Manager at Google said.

It has become customary practice for the governments in the contemporary era to conduct Internet content filtering because of “cultural, political and religious tendencies,” Kaspar Szymanski told the Tasnim News Agency on the sidelines of the 4th International Conference on Internet Marketing, Economy and Urban Tourism in Tehran on Friday.

The most common examples of that procedure include filtering of pornographic Internet content, he explained.

Szymanski noted that web clients are deeply satisfied with any initiative that curbs spam attacks and results in a a lower traffic on the Internet.

Webmasters are increasingly faced with the problem of spamming, referred to the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages (spam), especially advertising, indiscriminately.

In the meantime, a whole host of countries have started to use Internet filter to impose restriction on the sites that are offensive or criminal.

In July 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that most households in his country had pornography blocked by their internet provider.

He had also warned that access to pornographic content was "corroding childhood".