Texas Governor: ISIL May Already Be in US

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Texas governor suggested that militants from the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) may have already sneaked into the US via the southern border with Mexico.

As Texas Governor Rick Perry deals with the indictment that, as of late, has consumed his agenda, he shifted his focus to foreign policy and suggested that ISIS (also known as ISIL) militants may have already sneaked into the US via the southern border with Mexico.

What started as a discussion of the intensifying immigration crisis quickly spiraled into a scathing critique of the Obama administration's foreign policy.

"President Obama is going to hear warnings in his own party, he's going to hear the word mission creep and that's all from a very valid concern," Perry, a Republican who's considered a potential 2016 presidential candidate, said to a packed house at the Heritage Foundation in Washington.

"And yet it seems that in this case, we'd be very wise to remember ISIS' own version of mission creep, when they start following through on threats they've been making by sending their recruits into this country."

Perry went even further after being asked point blank about the threat of ISIS coming into the US via southern border, telling the crowd that it is a very real possibility that "they may have already used" the border to enter the United States, CBS News reported.

"We have no clear evidence of that, but your common sense tells you, when we see the number of criminal activities that have occurred - the assaults, the rapes, the murders - by individuals who have come into this country illegally over the last five years, that if the idea that they would not be looking at and managing those types of attacks from that region is not a good place to be."