Rouhani Hopes for Iran-Ukraine Closer Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday congratulated the Ukrainian people and government on the occasion of the country’s Independence Day.

In a message addressed to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, President Rouhani expressed the hope that bilateral relations between Tehran and Kiev in all spheres would be promoted more than ever through joint efforts by the two nations.

Independence Day of Ukraine is the main state holiday in modern Ukraine celebrated on August 24 in commemoration of the Declaration of Independence of 1991.

The holiday was first celebrated on 16 July 1991, as the first anniversary of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine passed by the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's parliament) in 1990. Since the Declaration of Independence was issued later, and confirmed by the referendum of 1 December 1991, the date of the holiday was changed.