Iranian FM Starts Europe Tour

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Monday left Tehran for the Belgian capital of Brussels as part of a three-leg tour of Europe which will take him to Italy and Luxemburg as well.

Heading a high-ranking delegation, the top Iranian diplomat will meet Belgian officials in Brussels.

Zarif is also scheduled to hold a meeting with the outgoing European Union Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton in Belgium to evaluate the latest developments surrounding Iran’s peaceful nuclear program.

Succeeded by Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, Ashton still coordinates diplomacy with Iran on behalf of the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) to settle a decade-long standoff on Tehran’s nuclear case.

Zarif will later leave Belgium for Italy and Luxemburg. His trip to Rome will take place at the invitation of Mogherini.

It will be Zarif’s second visit to Italy as Iran’s foreign minister. On November 19, he had also paid an official visit to Rome.

Zarif’s November meeting with former Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino revolved around bilateral relations between the two countries and Iran’s nuclear program.