Rights Group: War Crimes Committed by Both Sides of Ukrainian Conflict

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Amnesty International has in its most recent report said both the Kiev troops and the anti-government forces could be responsible for war crimes in their “disregard for civilian lives.”

“All sides in this conflict have shown disregard for civilian lives and are blatantly violating their international obligations,” said Salil Shetty, Amnesty International’s Secretary General.

The conclusion was drawn on the basis of multiple interviews conducted on the ground in eastern Ukraine by Amnesty International researchers. They spoke to both people fleeing the conflict zones and to refugees, who have already found shelter in Russia’s Rostov region, RT reported.

“Civilians from these areas told Amnesty International that the Ukrainian government forces subjected their neighborhoods to heavy shelling. Their testimonies suggest that the attacks were indiscriminate and may amount to war crimes,” the watchdog’s statement reads.

Those interviewed also accused both the anti-government fighters and militants in the volunteer battalions, fighting alongside the government troops of abductions and tortures.

The London-based group has called for “a thorough and independent investigation” into the reports of human rights violations.

“Amnesty International is calling on the Ukrainian authorities to conduct an effective investigation into allegations of serious violations of international humanitarian law and bring to justice individuals responsible for war crimes,” said the group’s statement.

The human rights watchdog has also accused Russia of “fuelling the conflict.” It is supporting its case with satellite imagery of alleged Russian weaponry on the territory of Ukraine.

“Russia must stop the steady flow of weapons and other support to an insurgent force heavily implicated in gross human rights violations,” Amnesty International said.

Moscow has repeatedly dismissed allegations of it providing military support to anti-government fighters in eastern Ukraine.