American Filmmaker Highlights Dangers of Inquiring about 9/11 in US

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A US filmmaker and former mayor of Bellflower, California, said those who try to obtain information about the 9/11 attacks, even those in the Congress, put their jobs or lives in danger.

In an interview with the Tasnim News Agency, Art Olivier, who was the Libertarian candidate for Vice President in the US presidential election in 2000 as the running mate of presidential candidate Harry Browne, said curiosity about the events on September 11, 2001, costs people dearly in the US.

Senator Paul Wellstone, who was killed in a suspicious plane crash in 2002, was one of those people who started to raise questions about the 9/11 attacks, Olivier said.

“Senators are in power for 6 years. He (Wellstone) wasn’t so easily dismissed. I think before the election, he was very popular in Minnesota . He was in his  airplane going to an event  and the airplane was destroyed . And the FBI that came out to investigate the crash, they had left the airport to go investigate the crash before the crash ever happened,” he said of the mysterious aspects of Wellstone’s death.

Such suspicious behavior by the FBI causes you get the indication that Senator Wellstone was assassinated, he explained.

“People in the congress, even they have to be careful. Most of them know that they would be either in danger of losing their seat or in danger of their lives,” Olivier added.