Iran President: Final Nuclear Deal Possible

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said he saw a final nuclear agreement between Tehran and six world powers within reach before a November 24 deadline.

“The remaining time span is not long, 30 days remain and we predict there is a possibility for the final agreement, because we have reached a consensus on many outstanding issues,” President Rouhani said of the nuclear talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany).

He made the comments at a press conference in the Iranian city of Zanjan on Wednesday night.

The president made it clear that “good steps” have been taken toward the long-awaited comprehensive accord, but at the same time noted that those measures fall short of Iran’s expectations.

“We have reached agreement on the generalities, and have discussions about details that are also important,” Rouhani added.

Iran and the six powers –Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany- are in talks to iron out differences and secure an agreement that would end the West’s 12-year-old standoff on Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program.

On November 24, 2013, Iran and the G5+1 signed an interim nuclear deal in the Swiss city of Geneva.

Based on the interim deal, the world powers agreed to suspend some non-essential sanctions and impose no new nuclear-related bans in return for Tehran’s decision to freeze parts of its nuclear activities.

In July, Tehran and the six countries agreed to extend negotiations until November 24 in the hope of clinching a final deal.