Iran Ready to Assist Qatar with 2022 World Cup: VP

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s first vice-president on Thursday voiced the country’s preparedness to provide Qatar with whatever assistance it needs for the FIFA World Cup, slated for 2022.

In a meeting with Qatari Minister of Economy and Trade Ahmad bin Jasim bin Muhammad Al Thani, Iranian Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri expressed Tehran’s readiness for “any cooperation with Qatar in all arenas, such as development of infrastructure or the export of technical and engineering services” in preparation work for the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Qatar deserves to play host to the World Cup games, Jahangiri said, adding that Iran is ready to help the Arab country host the event more magnificently.

In December 2010, Qatar, a tiny oil-rich country in the Persian Gulf, was awarded the world’s biggest sporting event by FIFA.

The Iranian official further called for the enhancement of economic relations between Tehran and Doha, saying the two countries have “complementary” capabilities.

The Qatari minister, for his part, said Doha is seriously resolved to “strengthen and facilitate” trade exchange with Iran.