Iran's Military Gift Aid Readily Available to Lebanon: Source

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran is ready to immediately provide Lebanon with a series of military items it had pledged to offer to the Arab country as a gift aid, a diplomatic source announced.

Lebanese Al Akhbar daily quoted an unnamed Iranian diplomatic source as saying that the consignment of military equipment will be airlifted to Lebanon within only “three hours” as soon as Beirut gives the green light.

The comments came against the backdrop of Iran’s decision to offer weapons to Lebanon as a gift in order to help it in the fight against the Takfiri terrorists.

Earlier this month, Lebanon’s Defense Minister Samir Moqbel paid an official visit to Tehran. Among the main issues he discussed in several meetings with high-ranking Iranian officials was the Islamic Republic’s military assistance, which the Lebanese minister hailed as “unconditional”.

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan had also announced after a meeting with Moqbel that the arms will be delivered to Lebanon at Beirut’s request.

Dehqan had also voiced Tehran’s preparedness to train the Lebanese armed forces and convey its experiences for the battle against the Takfiri terrorists, including the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group.

Over the past months, Lebanon has been suffering from terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda-affiliated militants as well as random rocket attacks, which are seen as a spillover of the conflict in Syria.