Syrian Envoy Hails Iran's Role in Regional Security

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syria's Iran ambassador praised the Islamic Republic for its contribution to peace in the Middle East region unlike certain other states which he accused of supporting militants in Syria.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran’s leadership and administration support the Syrian and the Iraqi nations and governments genuinely and seriously,” Adnan Mahmoud told the Tasnim News Agency at the 20th International Exhibition of Press and News Agencies in Tehran on Thursday.

He said Iran has kept backing Syria “unlike certain regional countries such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia which are funding and arming terrorists” that fight against Syria’s legitimate government.

“Iran… has a leading role in the establishment of stability and security in the region,” Mahmoud noted, expressing gratitude to Tehran for its supportive stances toward the Syrian nation.

Tehran has always insisted that a political approach would be the sole solution to the three-year-old crisis in Syria, saying that campaign against terrorism should be top on the agenda.

Syria's war that started in 2011 has killed close to 200,000 people and forced more than 3 million refugees to flee the country, according to the United Nations.