Former Iraqi Minister: Iran’s Missiles No Regional Threat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s missile capability poses no threat to the countries in the region, said the former Iraqi interior minister, Jawad al-Bolani.

“Iran’s missiles not only do not pose any threat to other regional countries, but boost stability in the region,” Bolani said.

He made the comments in an interview with a magazine titled “Uprising of Sejjils”, published to commemorate the 30th anniversary of initiation of Iran’s missile program.

The magazine, which derives its name from the indigenous missile “Sejjil”, contains information about the course of Iran’s progress in manufacturing different types of missiles over the past 30 years.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Bolani said that Iraq can use Iran’s experiences to reach a level to produce long- and short-range missiles.

He added that the Iranian officials have also expressed readiness to share the country’s military expertise with Iraq.

The former Iraqi interior minister also praised Iran's missile program and said it has given the country the upper-hand in the nuclear talks with the world major powers.

The Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.

Tehran has always assured other nations that its military might poses no threat to the regional countries, saying that the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.