MP: Iran Determined to Broaden Latin America Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Head of Iran-Cuba parliamentary friendship group voiced Tehran’s eagerness for the expansion of relations with Latin America’s “revolutionary” nations.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran’s strategic policy is based on constructive interaction with the Latin American countries with enhancement of ties with the region’s revolutionary countries, particularly Cuba, as a priority,” Abdolreza Mesri said in a meeting with Cuba's Ambassador to Iran Vladimir Andres Gonzalez Quesada in Tehran on Tuesday.

The lawmaker also noted that parliamentary groups can greatly contribute to closer ties between Iran and Cuba.

For his part, the Cuban envoy said the two countries should tap into their amicable political ties to promote relations in other fields, such as economy.

The expansion of cooperation with Latin American countries has been among the top priorities of the Islamic Republic's foreign policy over the past few years.

Iran’s parliament has also intensified measures in recent months to strengthen ties with parliaments of the other countries, following President Hassan Rouhani’s announcement that his administration will adopt the policy of constructive interaction with the world.