Official: Hezbollah Strengthened by Iran’s High Precision Strike Missiles

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Deputy Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah Movement Sheikh Naim Qassem said the missiles with pinpoint accuracy, whose technology has been provided to Hezbollah by Iran, are the “real deterrent factor” in confrontation with Israel.

“They (Israelis) are well aware that Hezbollah is in possession of missiles with pinpoint accuracy, and thanks to the equipment Hezbollah acquired, and with the Islamic Republic’s support and Hezbollah’s readiness for any future war, this war will be much tougher for the Israelis,” Sheikh Qassem said in an exclusive interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

The Lebanese figure then lauded Iran for its “fundamental and pivotal” role in boosting Hezbollah’s missile capabilities, either by giving the movement the necessary items or providing the technical know-how to make the missiles.

“Iran has also given Hezbollah various training in the creation of some structures of missiles,” he said.

“When we are talking about the missile capability, it does not mean that only a number of Iranian missiles are delivered to the resistance (movement), but such capability includes the entire necessary items for missiles,” Sheikh Qassem added.

He noted that Iran not only has shipped missiles to Lebanon, but also trained the Hezbollah forces to prepare and launch the projectiles and has trained experts as well.

Hezbollah deputy leader said such missile capability has changed the equations in the fight against Israel and has given Hezbollah an upper-hand.

“Such issue (missiles) is a trump card in the equation of war between the resistance forces and the Israeli enemy, because a war broke out for the first time inside the occupied (Palestinian) territories, because of the missiles that can reach Israel.”

Sheikh Qassem further dismissed as “unreasonable and quite wrong” any claim that Iran’s missile power might pose a threat to the regional Arab states, stressing that it serves the interests of region and contributes to the regional security.

“Such missile capability (of Iran) is firstly to support Iran’s government and Revolution, and secondly, to serve the resistance (front) in the face of the Israeli enemy and serves the regional governments as well.”