Iranian Diplomat: Natl. Unity Led to Victories against ISIL in Iraq

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian deputy foreign minister congratulated the Iraqi nation and government on the recent military advances against ISIL, saying national unity and religious leadership have been key to the victories against terrorist groups.

The recent victories are the result of the prudence of Iraqi religious leadership, government officials as well as the national unity and solidarity, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary and Iranian Expatriates Affairs Hassan Qashqavi said on Tuesday.

He made the remarks in a meeting with Head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

Qashqavi expressed the hope that the victories would continue until the full elimination of terrorist groups in the Arab country.

The Iranian diplomat also voiced the Islamic Republic’s unwavering support for the Iraqi nation in its fight against terrorism.

Hakim, for his part, appreciated Iran’s support for the Iraqi government in its fight against terrorist groups, and described it as “valuable”.

The Iraqi official also stressed the need to promote ties between the two neighboring countries in all spheres.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Hakim praised agreements reached during the 7th session of Iran-Iraq joint consular commission, which had been held in Baghdad on Monday.

He also expressed the hope that the agreements would pave the way for closer ties between the two nations.

At the end of the 7th session of Iran-Iraq joint consular commission, the Iranian and Iraqi diplomats signed a memorandum of understanding on bilateral ties.