Police Investigate Reports of Explosion near UK Army Barracks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – British police closed off a major motorway in northern England on Saturday after a blast was heard near Britain's largest army training barracks although no evidence of an explosion has been found.

North Yorkshire Police said the report of the explosion was made at 0300 GMT by staff from one of the barracks in the Catterick area where more than 13,000 army personnel and their families are based.

There were no reports of any injuries or damage, and police said they were still investigating the possible cause, Reuters reported.

"We don't know what it was. At the moment, there's nothing obvious," a police spokeswoman said.

"Obviously because it's in that area we've got to take all precautions. The barracks are right next to the A1 (road)."

Police said their search was focused on an area outside the barracks and next to the A1, although they had not ruled out the possibility an explosion had occurred within the boundary of the barracks.

"The safety of members of the public, including passing motorists, is our prime concern and therefore all security precautions must be taken to protect members of the public until we find out exactly what has occurred," the spokeswoman said.

Britain has been on its second highest terrorism threat level of severe, meaning an attack is considered highly likely, since August.

Since then dozens of terrorism suspects, including some accused of plotting to kill police officers or soldiers, have been arrested.

On Monday, Home Secretary Theresa May said Britain was facing the biggest terrorism threat in its history.