EC Secretary Calls for Implementation of Resistance Economy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary of Iran's Expediency Council (EC) said the Resistance Economy strategies outlined by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution should be implemented to weather the effects of sanctions imposed on the country and low oil prices.

Referring to the sanctions imposed on Iran by the West and the falling oil prices in recent weeks, Mohsen Rezayee underlined that in order to minimize the effects of these conditions, there is no other way than acting upon the guidelines set by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei regarding the implementation of Resistance Economy.

He described Resistance Economy as a plan for turning threats into opportunities and paving the way for the country’s economy to make a giant leap forward.   

In February this year, Ayatollah Khamenei in a proclamation outlined a series of general policies to boost the country’s economy and lower its vulnerabilities.

The proclamation, laying out a grand plan for Resistance Economy in Iran, was issued after consultations with the country’s Expediency Council and based upon the Clause 1 of Article 110 of the Iranian Constitution.

In a speech in March, the Leader described Resistance Economy as a dynamic and long-term strategy that can help Iran realize its economic objectives.

“Resistance economy is not just for the present circumstances; rather it is a long-term solution for the country’s economy and for achieving the lofty economic goals of the Islamic establishment,” Ayatollah Khamenei said at the time.

The Leader said these policies can be completed and adapted to different conditions.

Resistance economy is not exclusive to Iran and in the global economic crisis of recent years, many countries are after fortifying their economy, Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

“Of course, our need for resistance economy is more than other countries, because on the one hand, our country is connected to the global economy and is determined to continue this relationship and (therefore it is) naturally affected by global economic trends. On the other hand, the Islamic establishment, due to its independence-seeking...(nature) and its insistence on not being influenced by the policies of the world powers, is under attack and the subject of ill intention and sabotage,” the Leader added.