Iraq’s Anbar Tribal Leaders Due in Iran: Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A group of prominent tribal leaders of Iraq’s western province of Anbar plans to visit Iran to ask for military equipment in the battle against the ISIL militants, local media reports said.

Al-Nahreen website quoted Hameed al-Hayis, one of the leading figures in Anbar as saying that the delegation includes "10 sheikhs from Anbar tribes and provincial security experts."

He added that trip agenda has been prepared by the Iranian side.

“We have not coordinated our visit to Iran with the local official of Anbar. We are sheikhs from tribes which have fought ISIL in Anbar and decided to visit Iran to ask them (Iranians) to provide us with arms and weaponry," Hayis said.

"This happened after we saw that the global community is not serious in the fight against ISIL,” he explained.

Hayis said the delegation will also demand that Tehran provide the Anbar tribes with “missiles” and also assist them to deal with the problem of refugees.

Back on December 8, Al Arabiya News Channel reported that some tribes in the Iraqi restive province have threatened to halt their fight against the ISIL unless the government in Baghdad gives them more arms.

The ISIL militants made swift advances in northern and western Iraq over the summer, after capturing large swaths of northern Syria.

Meanwhile, a combination of concentrated attacks by the Iraqi military and the popular forces, who rushed to take arms after top Iraqi cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani issued a fatwa calling for fight against the militants, have blunted the edge of the ISIL offensive.

Amid tensions in Iraq, Iran is known as the first country to help the Arab country and has always voiced support for Iraq’s solidarity and prosperity.