Syrian Nation Determined to Uproot Terrorism: Bashar Al-Assad

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday underlined his people’s resolve to root out terrorism and extremism in the Arab country.

“The Syrian nation is determined to eradicate terrorism and extremist ideologies," Assad said in a meeting with visiting Iranian parliament Speaker Ali Larijani.

The two met in Damascus on Sunday to discuss bilateral relations between Iran and Syria as well as regional developments and the ongoing crisis in Syria.

Assad further said that "Syria will continue the process for national reconciliation."

He also thanked Iran’s stance toward Syria and called for the expansion of Tehran-Damascus cooperation in all areas.

Larijani, for his part, stressed that the Iranian nation will not give up its support for Syria against terrorism.

Syria has been gripped by deadly violence since March 2011. More than 191,000 people have been killed in over three years of fighting in the war-ravaged country.

The US and its regional allies- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey - have been supporting the terrorist militants operating inside Syria for more than three years.

Iran has frequently underlined its support for the Syrian government and people in their battle against foreign-backed terrorists.