Iran's Speaker Raps Certain Regional States for Igniting Terrorism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani slammed as “wrong” the tactical use of terrorism by certain states in the region, and called on the regional states to confront the move.

“Some terrorist groups are being fed by the Zionist regime (of Israel) and some Arab states in the region,” Larijani underscored upon his arrival at Lebanon, adding that tactical use of terrorism would be a wrong policy.

“They actually ignite a fire that they cannot extinguish,” he added.

Larijani, who is visiting the Lebanese capital, said his visit to the Arab country is aimed at exploring avenues for the expansion of bilateral ties and holding talks about fight against terrorism.

Earlier this morning, the Iranian lawmaker met the secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, Ramadan Abdullah, in Iran’s embassy in Beirut during which they discussed certain regional issues.

The Iranian speaker arrived in Lebanon after visiting Syria on the first leg of his regional tour.

In his visit to Damascus, the top Iranian legislator held separate meetings with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and parliament Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Laham.