New Libya Peace Talks Planned for January 5: UN Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A new round of peace talks aiming to end the fighting in Libya will be held on January 5 after the warring factions appear to have agreed a path forward, UN diplomats said.

Chad's envoy to the UN, Mahamat Zene Cherif, whose country holds the Council's rotating presidency this month, said after closed-door discussions that the roadmap contained three points.

He did not outline details, but said one element was "a national unity government which would be composed of representatives from the two camps."

Another UN Security Council diplomat said the plan also set out a ceasefire as well as a withdrawal of all militias and the disarmament of the warring sides, AFP reported.

UN special envoy to Libya, Bernardino Leon, voiced his "deep concern" over the deteriorating situation in the north African country in a video address to the meeting.

He called for "an immediate ceasefire" and for all sides "to commit to a dialogue," Charif said.

The Council also voiced concern about the amount of weapons flooding into the country despite the embargo imposed on Libya, and gave their full backing to Leon's peace bid.

More than three years after dictator Moamer Kadhafi was toppled and killed in a 2011 NATO-backed revolt, the country is awash with weapons and powerful militias, and has rival governments and parliaments.