Analyst: Larijani's Regional Tour to Boost Axis of Resistance

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Lebanese political analyst said that the Iranian parliament speaker’s recent tour of regional countries has contributed to the strengthening of ties between members of the anti-Israeli resistance front.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Lebanese journalist and analyst Ghaleb Kandil extolled the benefits of a recent visit by Ali Larijani to Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.

He said the Iranian speaker’s trip to Syria is of great significance at the present conditions and would change the regional equations in favor of the axis of resistance, which he said is now fighting against the Takfiri terrorist groups.

Kandil also praised members of the resistance axis as the only countries that are able to destroy the Takfiri militants.

“They (axis of resistance) have practically entered this battlefield and have besieged the Takfiri terrorist groups in the political and military arenas and have made supporters of those groups concerned,” the Lebanese analyst added.

In his visit to Iraq, Larijani reiterated Tehran’s continued support for the Iraqi people in their efforts to combat terrorism.

The Iranian speaker said that Iran has always stood by the Iraqi nation and today will not withhold its capacity to help Iraq tackle the country’s terrorism crisis.

The Iranian speaker also lashed out at the westerners' approach to terrorism, and said that the US behavior toward fighting terrorism is "ambiguous".

Iraq was the final destination of Larijani's tour of the regional states. Earlier, he met with the leading religious figure Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in Najaf on Tuesday and had a meeting with his Iraqi counterpart Salim al-Jabouri in Baghdad. He also paid a visit to Iraqi Kurdistan region.

Before arriving in Iraq, the Iranian speaker had visited Syria and Lebanon during which he had met the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, his Syrian counterpart Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, and the Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Movement Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah and several high-ranking officials.