Kurdish Forces Killed in ISIL Attack

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - At least 23 Kurdish soldiers have been killed and 12 others injured during clashes with Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) fighters southeast of the city of Nineveh in Iraq's north, Al Jazeera has learnt.

The military forces of Iraqi Kurdistan, or Preshmerga, were targeted in two different vehicle explosions in areas around the Sinjar Mountains.

In a separate development, a Peshmerga spokesman told Al Jazeera that ISIL carried out the biggest attack yet on their positions near the strategic town Gwer about 60km from Erbil.

The spokesman said some of the ISIL fighters came to town in the early hours of Saturday by boat over the Tigris river before taking control of large parts of the town. No casualty figures have been reported.