Hezbollah’s Weapons beyond Enemies' Imagination: Nasrallah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Seyed Hassan Nasrallah underlined the movement high military capabilities for defending Lebanon.

In an interview with Al Mayadin TV network, Nasrallah referred to the military capabilities of the Lebanese Resistance Movement, and reiterated that Hezbollah "possesses different types of weapons that enemies cannot even think about."

Earlier on November, Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah Sheikh Naim Qassem had told the Tasnim News Agency that the Lebanese movement has missiles with pinpoint accuracy, whose technology has been provided to Hezbollah by Iran.

“They (Israelis) are well aware that Hezbollah is in possession of missiles with pinpoint accuracy, and thanks to the equipment Hezbollah acquired, and with the Islamic Republic’s support and Hezbollah’s readiness for any future war, this war will be much tougher for the Israelis,” Sheikh Qassem said at the time.

He added that the missiles Hezbollah possesses are a trump card in the equation of war between the resistance forces and the Israeli enemy, because a war broke out for the first time inside the occupied (Palestinian) territories, because of the missiles that can reach Israel.