Iranian Commander Warns of Enemy’s Hard Push for Soft War

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A top Iranian commander cautioned that enemies have employed a whole host of tactics and equipment to wage soft war on Iran.

“Through waging soft war, our enemies… seek to undermine the values we place on the (Islamic) Revolution,” Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said in a cultural ceremony in Tehran on Wednesday.

He called on the Iranian nation to protect Islamic Revolution values in a bid to confront enemy soft war and elevate the Islamic ruling system position.

Soft war is a term used by Iranian officials to refer to the cultural invasion and soft intelligence tactics used by foreign countries deemed hostile.

Back in February 2014, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei called on the Iranian university students to gain a thorough understanding of the hegemonic system and its plots, and to gear up to confront the enemies in the soft war arena.

In a message, the Supreme Leader had described the Iranian students as “the young officers of the soft war," adding that they should “prepare themselves to the utmost” for confrontation in the soft warfare.