Iran's IRGC Tests Sinking US Nimitz-Class Supercarrier

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy targeted a real-size model of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, using homegrown coast-to-sea cruise missiles fired from the Persian Gulf coasts and hundreds of speedboat rockets.

The naval exercises, codenamed The Great Prophet-9, are underway in the Strait of Hormuz, known as the most strategic waterway in the Persian Gulf.

On Wednesday morning, four Iranian “Nasr” cruise missiles were fired from the coast and hit a model of a Nimitz-class warship with a length of 333 meters.

The Nasr is a short-range missile, which is capable of detonating targets weighing 3,000 tons.

The IRGC also utilized ballistic missiles during the mission to sink the hypothetical enemy warship. A number of the “Persian Gulf” ballistic missiles were launched from the eastern coasts of the port of Jask to carry out the operation.

The Persian Gulf is a ballistic missile with pin-point accuracy and a range of above 270 kilometers.

Simultaneously, the IRGC assault speedboats fired 400 rockets to annihilate the mock enemy’s vessel. The projectiles that rained down on the model warship were 107mm rockets.

Earlier in the morning, the assault speedboats conducted mine-laying operation in the Strait of Hormuz area.

The Strait of Hormuz, a narrow waterway between Iran and Oman, connects the Persian Gulf with the Sea of Oman.

It is the only sea passage from the Persian Gulf to the high seas and is one of the world's most strategically-important choke points.