Bahrain Adjourns Opposition Leader’s Trial until Late March

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The second trial session of the secretary general of Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, Bahrain’s main opposition bloc, was held on Wednesday as Journalists and political activists were prevented from entering the court.

The trial of Sheikh Ali Salman, whose detention has sparked massive demonstrations in the Persian Gulf country, was adjourned to March 25, Al-Wefaq announced on its twitter account.

In a statement on Wednesday, Al-Wefaq condemned the continued detention of the opposition figure by the Al Khalifa regime, saying that the move will lead to “further escalation of political crisis” in the Arab country.

The society also emphasized that Sheikh Salman’s acquittal is the only way forward for Manama over the senior cleric’s case.   

Sheikh Salman was taken to court on Wednesday under tight security with helicopters flying overhead.

According to some Bahraini sources, security forces prevented journalists and opposition figures from entering the court.

However, some delegates from the US, British and French embassies were allowed in the courtroom.

The Al Khalifa regime is pressing ahead with its crackdown on opposition, after it arrested Sheikh Salman on December 28, 2014.

The tiny Persian Gulf state has been the scene of an ongoing suppression of protesters who demand the release of opposition figures.