Tehran Raps Terrorist Attack Near Iranian Embassy in Kabul

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s foreign ministry spokeswoman condemned a terrorist attack that occurred near the Iranian embassy in the Afghan capital of Kabul.

Marziyeh Afkham denounced the Thursday bomb explosion, which police say killed two people, and said none of the Iranian embassy personnel were hurt in the blast.

"All the embassy staffers are in good health and no damage was done to our country's embassy," she stated. 

Afkham further underlined the necessity of confronting any act of terrorism committed anywhere in the world by any group or individual.

She also reiterated the need for identifying and countering the roots of the "ominous phenomenon" of terrorism and extremism.

Thursday's terrorist attack occurred outside the Iranian Embassy in the diplomatic quarter in Kabul when a terrorist detonated his explosive-ridden vehicle, damaging a car of the Turkish Embassy, which is adjacent to the Iranian mission in the city.

Turkey’s embassy, which is adjacent to the Iranian embassy, is said to have been the target of the attack.

A Turkish embassy staffer was killed in the explosion and another one was wounded.