Possible Attack on Iran to Leave Israel Maimed: Speaker

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s parliament speaker on Wednesday cautioned the US to expect to see “Israel in a wheelchair” if the Tel Aviv regime dares take military action against Iran under the US congress support.

Addressing an open session of the parliament on Wednesday, Ali Larijani reacted to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s anti-Iran speech to the US Congress, saying that the remarks revealed the Middle East region’s “lawbreaker”.

In a Tuesday speech to the US Congress, Netanyahu warned of a “very bad” nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, accused Tehran of seeking a nuclear bomb, and proposed the idea of war on Iran as an alternative to a deal.

In reply, Larijani underlined that any possible Israeli strike on Iran will draw “crushing and multilateral response” by the Iranian Armed Forces.

Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress was nothing but “an hour of repetitious slogans” that laid bare the “fake regime’s anxiety,” Larijani said.

The speaker underlined that Israel’s problem is not indeed Iran’s nuclear program, but the influence of the Islamic Revolution on the region.

The Israeli threat came as Iran is in talks with the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) to hammer out a final agreement to end more than a decade of impasse over Tehran’s civilian nuclear energy program.

A new round of talks has begun in Switzerland with the aim of narrowing down the remaining differences ahead of a deadline for a final agreement by June 30.