Iran Urges Diplomatic Missions to Help Boost Non-Oil Exports

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Morteza Sarmadi announced that the foreign ministry has asked its diplomatic missions outside the country to help boost exports of goods and services.

Addressing a conference on “modern diplomacy and foreign policy” in Tehran on Monday, Sarmadi pointed to the potentials that can be utilized by Iranian diplomats in foreign countries to increase investment in the Islamic Republic and boost exports.

The foreign ministry has called on all missions to pay “special attention” to efforts to attract investment, import tourists and technology and export non-oil goods, workforce and technical services, he said.

Iran’s new administration, which took office in August 2013, has voiced determination to increase the volume of non-oil exports as a determining factor in countering economic stagnation in the country.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Sarmadi commented on the ongoing negotiations between Iran and six world powers over the country’s peaceful nuclear activities, saying that the world knows that the Iranian negotiating team is highly skillful and really wants to resolve the nuclear issue.

Iran and the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) are in talks to hammer out a final agreement to end more than a decade of impasse over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.