Ansarullah Lauds Iran’s Supports for Yemeni Nation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A spokesman for Yemen's Shiite Ansarullah movement hailed Iran’s stance on the recent developments in the Arab country as “positive”, saying that the Islamic Republic has supported the Yemeni nation.

“Iran’s stance has been positive and the country has supported the Yemeni people,” Mohammad Abdul-Salam said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

The Iranian government backed the stance that the Yemeni nation opted for with their revolution, he noted.

Abdul-Salam further rejected the claim that Tehran has interfered in Yemen’s internal affairs by providing support for the September 21 Revolution.

“Those who raise such allegations (against Iran) intend to downplay the Yemeni nation’s role in the revolution,” he stated.

Iranian officials have repeatedly reiterated Tehran’s continued support for national unity in Yemen and called for effective dialogue among all parties to resolve the ongoing crisis in the Arab country.

In a recent interview with the IRIB, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for African and Middle Eastern Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian said, “Tehran supports national dialogue in Yemen among all parties because the country belongs to all Yemeni people.”

On September 21, 2014, Ansarullah forces gained control of Sana’a, following a four-day battle with the army which is still viewed as loyal to the former dictator, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The Ansarullah revolutionaries say the Yemeni government has been incapable of properly running the affairs of the country and providing security. The movement has established a transitional council to govern the country until a new government is elected.