IRGC Commander: Iran Prepared for All Scenarios

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari underlined that Iran has become strong enough to repel all kinds of threats.

"We have become so powerful that we have no concerns about the enemy’s irrational behaviors. We will address any scenario considered by the enemy," the top commander told the Tasnim News Agency on Wednesday.

"Be it military threats or sanctions, we will thwart them," General Jafari reiterated.

“Our strategies are decisive and terminating. We have blocked the enemy's ways of materializing its arrogant and cruel intentions,” the Iranian commander added.

He further pointed to Washington’s waning influence in the world and said the US had better think about its existence that is facing extinction.

"We wonder why the enemy insists on its costly and futile scenarios," he went on to say.