Iranian, Russian Traders' Trust Needed for Expansion of Economic Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Head of Iran-Russia Joint Chamber of Commerce called for boosting trust among Iranian and Russian businessmen in order for the development of economic ties between the two countries.

Asadollah Asgaroladi told the Tasnim News Agency that bilateral relations in the economic fields have not made enough progress due to lack of trust among the two countries’ traders.

He referred to problems related to commercial visas, transportation, banking issues, and discriminatory tariffs imposed on Iranian exports to Russia as other obstacles in the way of developing economic ties.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Asgaroladi noted that the two countries’ central banks are studying the resumption of currency exchange to promote the level of cooperation.

In February, Iran’s Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanaei had said that Tehran and Moscow are planning to create a joint Iran-Russia bank in a bid to facilitate bilateral trade using national currencies of the two countries.

The plans came after the two countries decided last year to strengthen their trade ties in 2015 by simplifying the exchange of their national currencies.

In November last year, it was announced that Iran and Russia plan to double the volume of trade transactions in the near future.