Iraqi Forces Mount Major Operation to Liberate Karma in Anbar Province

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iraqi army troops backed by volunteer forces have launched a major operation against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group to liberate al-Karma town in the western province of Anbar, security sources said.

The Iraqi forces has begun the liberation operation on two fronts, one in a district northeast of Dijla and the other in southwest of Karma, security sources were quoted by Iraqi media as saying on Sunday.

According to the sources, the Iraqi troops are advancing in the region based on pre-planned tactics and military strategies.

Karma located 16 km northeast of Fallujah was considered the most violent city in Iraq for most of 2005 to 2007. Unlike neighboring Fallujah, it has no wall around the city, so insurgents were able to move freely in and out of the areas.

Earlier this week, Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi announced that Iraqi troops have gained full control over the embattled city of Tikrit, northwest of Baghdad.

The forces have also captured several districts on the outskirts of Tikrit, the birthplace of former dictator Saddam Hussein, including al-Alam and al-Dour.

On March 10, the Iraqi forces launched a major offensive to recapture the strategic city of Tikrit from ISIL terrorists.