Tehran, Muscat Urge Political Dialogue in Yemen

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Top-ranking diplomats from Iran and Oman underlined that the recent conflict in Yemen should be resolved through dialogue among all Yemeni groups.

"Yemen belongs to all Yemenis. Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue in a calm atmosphere with the participation of all parties, groups and sociopolitical currents is the practical solution to the complicated problems in Yemen," Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for African and Middle Eastern Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian said on Monday.

He made the comments in a meeting with Omani Foreign Minister Youssef bin Alawi in Muscat.

The Iranian diplomat also lauded Yemen’s Ansarullah movement for its fight against al-Qaeda-affiliated groups and ISIL terrorists in Yemen, highlighting the need for confronting terrorism and extremism across the Muslim world.

The Omani minister also stressed the need for dialogue in Yemen involving all groups, parties and political currents.

Bin Alawi further said that any extremist move by any group in the region would run counter to everyone's interests.

On September 21, 2014, Ansarullah forces gained control of Yemen's capital Sana'a, following a four-day battle with the army which is still viewed as loyal to the former dictator, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The Ansarullah revolutionaries say the Yemeni government has been incapable of properly running the affairs of the country and providing security. The movement has established a transitional council to govern the country until a new government is elected.