Iran’s President Proposes Plan to Stem Terrorism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Addressing the Asian-African Conference (AAC) in Indonesia, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani outlined a plan to root out terrorism in the world.

The Iranian president who was giving a speech to the conference in Jakarta on Wednesday morning, said the whole world, particularly the Asian and African countries, are plagued by the threats of extremism, violence and terrorism.

He said the time has come for “global action against violence and extremism” through a practical approach while the world is suffering from the international organizations’ inaction on the spread of terrorism.

President Rouhani then provided an outline of a plan for uprooting terrorism.

The fundamental principle in the fight against terrorism is to stop discriminating on the basis of religion, faith and race, Rouhani explained, and rejected any difference between Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Africans, Asians or Europeans when it comes to human values.

He also urged concerted action by the world’s religious and cultural leaders to prevent killing of people in the name of religion.

The president further stressed the need for finding and tackling the root causes of the terrorist groups’ attraction and the ways they recruit young forces.

Rouhani finally criticized certain governments for classifying terrorist groups as “good and bad”, and called for a halt to the financial, political and intelligence supports for terrorism.

Making a reference to the nuclear talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany), President Rouhani reiterated that Iran seeks “constructive interaction” that benefits the whole world.

He also underlined that a possible final nuclear agreement must guarantee Iran’s right to enjoy nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and termination of the entire economic sanctions.

Delegates from 109 Asian and African countries, 16 observer countries, and 25 international organizations have taken part in the Asian-African Conference.

The forum is aimed at strengthening partnerships among the Asian and African nations and sharing experiences in enhancing both regions’ economic development.